
This website belongs to Holistic Healing BodyTherapy owned by Peter’s student Everiin Silas. Payments are invoiced by Foxify OÜ. Cancellations are possible up to 48h before the event (latest by 20.03.2024 at 17.29) via the link in the confirmation email. 

EXCLUSIVE WORKSHOP ON 22.03.2024 AT 17.30-20.30

Heal Your BACK

Time: Friday 22.03.2024 from 17.30-20.30

Location: Holistika Instituut – Endla 15, Tallinn. 4. floor.

Price: 70€

Participants: Max 10

Ticket: Purchase on this page



Take the rare opportunity to understand and heal the back problems that you or your dear one might have. 

In this hands-on concentrated 3-hour workshop, the Danish healer and manual therapist Peter Munk-Petersen teaches his techniques, which are a unique mix of anatomical, biological and energetic manipulations.

Peter will also address each participant’s personal back issues and teach you what to do about it.

We will be practicing the techniques in pairs on massage tables.



  1. Practical knowledge, how to heal back problems that are relevant for you.
  2. An understanding of the physical and psychosomatic reasons behind common back problems.
  3. The skill to heal with your hands and visualization.

The workshop will be conducted in English but if needed, translation into Estonian is available.

NB! Please arrive 15 minutes earlier. 

There will be one 20-minute bathroom- and snack break. 


For more information, contact

Everiin Silas


+372 5353 5572


Manual therapy and healing

Peter Munk-Petersen is a Danish healer and manual therapist. He has a special gift – he is able to feel what is happening in another person’s body with remarkable precision. Peter has been helping clients heal in Denmark, Tenerife and Estonia for over 30 years.

You can also book a private 1h session with him between 11-23.03.2024. Booking calendar is available on his website.

Küsimuste korral kirjuta e-mail info@munkpetersen.com või helista +372 53 53 55 72