Introductory module to Core Evolution® Integrative Trauma Therapy Training

It is never too late to have a happy childhood.

Join the first module of the new Core Evolution® Integrative Trauma Therapy Training (read about the Full Training here). The module is structured as a separate unit where you can develop both theoretical and practical understanding of the following topics:
–Trauma Experiences and their Effects on the Body, Psyche and our Fields of Life Foundations for the Comprehensive Understanding of Psychological Traumas
– Stress – Trauma – Traumatization

REGULAR PRICE: 325€ | Early Bird until 30.09: €275

TIME: 19-20.10.2024
19.10 at 09.30-19.30 and 20.10 at 09.30-17.00

📍LOCATION: Private School of Transpersonal Psychology and Hypnotherapy "Teadlik Mina" - Ahtri 8, VII floor, Tallinn. 

If desired, it is possible to continue after the first module in the full training program.

The training is conducted in English with an Estonian translation.

Introductory module topics

Theoretical models and therapeutic approaches in therapy and medicine often focus on the direct trauma or clinical criteria for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Since trauma is always processed by each individual differently, we also need to recognize the whole person in its present life situations and social structures.

The teaching and practice includes::

  • Terms and definitions in Trauma Therapy
  • Psychophysiology of stress and trauma – important aspects of interpersonal neurobiology
  • The central nervous system and the regulation of traumatic experiences
  • Sympathetic and parasympathetic states of fight, flight and freeze - from simplicity to complexity
  • Research: The most important Fundamentals in Integrative Trauma Therapy incorporating the neurological, biochemical and psychological aspects.
  • Change is possible – brain structure, Neuroplasticity and preparing for change;
  • The Practice of Mindfulness and Somatic Awareness supports the re-organization of the personal system;
  • Evaluating Resources and establishing healthy boundaries
  • Therapeutic presence and creating a safe space
  • Learning to anchor (Grounding) and how to prevent re-traumatization;
  • Practice to safely release and integrate energies that are still held in a traumatic experience.

We will practice the Principles of Mindfulness and safe exercises for the concept of grounding, activation and harmonizing of body and feelings with breathing and movement, developing a Body-Feeling-Thinking-Mind-Awareness as an integrative approach to Trauma Therapy.

Dr. Siegmar Gerken

PhD, ECP, HP (Psychotherapy)

“True healing can happen when we are willing to embrace the power of love and integration.
— Dr. Siegmar Gerken

Dr. Gerken is a lec​turer, ther­­​ap­i​st, train​er and su​per­­​visor. He is co-founder of the Scien­ti­f​ic Com​mit​tee of the EABP. 

Siegmar has been a leader in body-oriented and heart-centered therapy and humanistic psychology since 1976, and is the founder of the Energy and Consciousness® and the remaining in Core Evolution® programs .

He has been teaching Integrative Body Psychotherapy in Core Evolution® in Estonia for 15 years.

Dr. Gerken's educational journey includes psychology, education and anthropology.

Siegmar has taught on the fac​ulty of the JFK University So​mat​ic Psy​cho​­­logy De​­­part​­­ment, the Santa Bar​bara Gradu​ate In​sti­­tute, the Esalen In​sti​­­tute, and the Be​ha​vi​or​al Ther­­​apy Train​ing In​sti​­­tute in Ham​burg.

He now teaches at uni​ver­­​s­it​ies and private in­­​sti​­­tutes world​wide, on the in­­​ter­­​­­con­­​nec​ted​­­ness of psy­cho​so​mat​ic pro​­­cesses as they man­i​fest on the levels of body, emo​­­tions, mind, will and con­­​s­­cious​­­ness.

Dr. Gerken's scientific re​search in human en­­​ergy field doc​u​­­ment​a​­­tion with Prof. F. Popp on psy​cho-emo​­­tion​al states of our Body-MInd Field, opened new ho​ri​zons to sci​ent​ists and prac­­​ti​­­tion​ers. 

In ex­plor­ing many realms of con­scious­ness, Dr. Gerken has al­ways been in­ter­ested in build­ing bridges between Psy­cho­logy and Spir­itu­al­ity, En­vir­on­ment, Per­son­al­ity and Eco-Psy­cho­logy, Science, Medi­cine, Heal­ing and the subtle di­men­sions of life.

What we do and experience may echo through generations.

"With our experience of almost 50 years we address, that the woven fabric of Developmental- and Shock- Trauma are the basis for so many difficulties, fears and distortions, that people face in their life. All these experiences take place in a family and in a specific social setting and can be carried over through generations. In our work we address this as Family- and Generational-Trauma.

Echoing through generations - that is exactly what our actions and interactions do; they reverberate through space and time. Our Being and our actions in life create corresponding vibratory patterns that connect us all on a collective level. Therefore, when we work on topics of Trauma, especially also on Collective-Trauma, we also activate the dynamic towards Collective Healing.

In the Trauma Training of Core Evolution® we are supporting participants to transform difficulties and traumas in life by establishing a Matrix of Grounding™. This strengthens coherance and enables the creation of a unified Body-Feeling-Mind Field with the ability to establish Self-Empowerment and Mindful Presence.

By coming together, witnessing, feeling and supporting each other and knowing, that we are all connected, socially, as human beings and in the larger field of existence, we contribute to global coherance - which is needed to solve today’s global issues of health, wealth, environment, justice, freedom and peace.

In my lectures or on conferences, participants often express, that they had been touched by what they had heard, but that they now have practical questions like: “What can I do when….?” “How can I change certain repeating patterns….?” “How can I avoid to get triggered?” and more.

That is when lectures or webinars are just not enough anymore and it needs the experience and dynamic interactive exchange.

In this Trauma Training I bring abstract concepts into the down to earth reality of your life. Of course most questions can not just be answered with one exercise, one visualization or other - but with empathy, competence, creativity and love, we can create a shift in the field of the person, that allows them to re-connect with their personal qualities and unique potential, to activate their inherent power of love, goodness and the capacity for self-healing. From this place you can change your actions and expand your consciousness, which then can “echo through generations” to create harmony again."

VIDEO: Integration and Healing of Traumatic Life Situations

VIDEO: Collective, Generational and Family Trauma to Individual Trauma and Beyond

Price of introductory module

Early Bird: €275

Until 30.09.2024.

Regular price: €325

From 01.10.2024.

A spot is guaranteed by registering and paying the Early Bird price of €275 by 30.09.2024 or paying the regular price of €325 by the start of the module. The number of places is limited. If desired, it is possible to continue in the Full Training by paying the remaining amount - 650– by the start of the second module (20.11.2024) or in two parts – 325€ by the second module (20.11.2024) and the remaining 325€ by the fourth module (15.03.2025).

Sign up

TRAINER: Dr. Siegmar Gerken, PhD, ECP, HP (Psychotherapy)

ORGANISER: Everiin Silas, MSc, Holistic Healing
Contact: or +372 5353 5572