Massage and therapy

My technique to help both my clients and myself heal is through energy and spirit work. Identifying the physical and mental blockages, releasing them and directing the energy used to hold onto them into creation. Creating the feeling, the emotions we want to feel.
We remove blockages by no longer feeding energy-holding beliefs, fears, negative thoughts. Whether they're conscious or unconscious. And we don't even need to know what they are exactly - we can spend the rest of our lives puzzling over them and looking for their root causes. Instead, we can decide, choose to focus our attention and energy on what we desire. 

At the salon I can do diagnostics and balance the energy centers, but long-term healing comes when we go inside ourselves and direct our attention and energy to what we want. And we do it regularly every day.

In all massages, I combine different techniques: classic, sports, Thai, aroma, lymphatic, segmentary, deep tissue and lava stone massage.

Something nice

90 minutes €70

Combined massage for the whole body. Calm and deep massage with essential oils chosen by the client. In addition to deep relaxation, there is also aroma therapy.


100 minutes €80

Full body and face deep tissue massage with essential oils and facial treatment. 

In facial treatment, I use my own clay mixture face mask and the remaining face cream with hemp seed oil.

"Pampering" for women

120 minutes €100

It is the ultimate in relaxation and lymphatic therapy. At the beginning of the session, you choose the essential oils you like. I start the massage by opening the lymph nodes and dry brushing the whole body. Then I do aroma massage with warm oil and a facial treatment at the end of the session.

A holistic massage journey

120 minutes €100

The journey begins with a conversation, based on which I propose the best approach in my view to improve your condition. In addition to massage, I mostly perform manual therapy, reflexology, craniosacral therapy, meditation, reiki, coherence therapy and use essential oils.

A journey into all possibilities

120 minutes €150

Come and create the future you want.

We work with energetically letting go of the past, so that it does not create the same future for you again and again.

Guided Conscious Breatwork and –Meditation.

Reiki and coherence therapy

90 minutes €70

Measuring and balancing chakras to release energy blockages. Making the frequency of the body's energy field uniform (coherent) to trigger the body's own healing processes.

After the session, you will also receive a written summary of the experience and instructions for further action on your own.

Craniosacral therapy

60 minutes €50

A gentle therapy that improves blood supply to the brain. Especially effective for stress, headaches, vertigo and ADHD. Recommended for children. 

From the second time, it is possible to do a 30-minute session - €30.

  • Muscle tension, muscle soreness;

  • Decreased joint mobility;

  • Bad posture, bad posture;

  • Tension headache;

  • Slow blood and lymph circulation;

  • Blood supply disorders;

  • Slowed intestinal peristalsis;

  • Accumulation of fluids and waste products in the body;

  • Tired look and dryness of the skin, formation of wrinkles;

  • Difficulty breathing;

  • Weakness of the immune system;

  • A slight increase in blood pressure;

  • Sleep disorders;

  • Memory disorders;

  • Nervousness, moderate stress;

  • Mental imbalance;

  • Fatigue from mental work;

  • Decreased attention span.

  • Cancer, any tumor process or suspicion (disperses cancer cells from the focus);
  • Inflammatory diseases (fever – leads to exacerbation);
  • Acute trauma (fractures, lacerations, concussions);
  • Intoxicated state (inadequate for other contraindications);
  • Heart, kidney, liver failure (cannot cope with increasing load);
  • Thyroid diseases (if permission has not been obtained from the attending physician);
  • Purulent wounds;
  • Venous inflammations;
  • Bleeding, including menstruation;
  • Risk of thrombosis or embolism (risk of gangrene, stroke);
  • Pregnancy;
  • Too high or low blood pressure (special therapeutic massage is allowed);
  • Some skin diseases (contact dermatitis, mushrooms);
  • Tuberculosis and others infectious diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases;
  • Lupus, atrophy of connective tissue;
  • Emphysema;
  • Affective mental states (neurasthenia, acute stress);
  • General exhaustion.

If you have any questions, write an e-mail or call +372 53 53 55 72

Book an appointment in the salon